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Blockwide Radiometry

The blockwide radiometry workflow allows the user to compute corrections applied in the Radiometry Specification template across all the sessions in a block. In case of blocks with multiple sessions, this provides for a more uniform radiometry in generated products.

The blockwide radiometry workflow is accessed from the Product Generation Perspective toolbar.

Product Generation toolbar for Blockwide Radiometry

Blockwide Radiometry is an optional workflow. In case the user is satisfied with radiometry corrections from Ingest and radiometric profiles defined in QC Perspective, they may proceed directly to image product generation without running the workflow.

Typical Workflow

The workflow steps for blockwide radiometry are executed within a HxMap project. Select the block inside a HxMap project in the Data Source to activate the workflow toolbar buttons . Running blockwide radiometry on a block outside of a project is not supported.

  1. Radiometry Setup

  2. Run Radiometric Normalization

  3. Global radiometric profile

  4. Regional Radiometry Edit

  5. Review and Accept Radiometry

Blockwide Radiometry is supported for RCD30, MFC150, and DMCIII imaging systems

Image Display

Image display in Product Generation perspective is only available for the Blockwide Radiometry workflow after preparing Overviews in Radiometry Setup.

  • When choosing a Product Template for image display, it must include the same Radiometry Specification template Base and Extended corrections applied during Overview generation, otherwise the Image layer will not be activated

  • Do not activate the Balancing correction in the Radiometry Specification. Balancing correction is activated by use of Show Adjusted / Unadjusted toolbar button in Review and Accept Radiometry

  • To visualize the Auto Color Correction available for MFC150 images in Blockwide Radiometry it should be enabled in the Radiometry Specification

As the images of a full block are now loaded for display, its recommended to first set the desired Product Template before beginning the Blockwide Radiometry workflow. Detailed assessment of individual Product Templates can be carried out in the Image Viewer.

Overviews may be evaluated by cardinal viewing direction from the Layer window.


The Image Index Viewer in Product Generation perspective can be used to evaluate the combined affect of radiometry template and radiometric profile on individual images.

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