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Raw QC

The Raw QC functionality within the Session Perspective allows the user to review collected data already before running the Ingest step. It is therefore a powerful tool to check a session for completeness and even data quality or presence of unwanted objects (cloud, fog, …).

Functionality available depends on the sensor units available in the systems:

Sensor Unit

Available Raw QC functionality


  • thumbnail preview (RGB) in map view and image viewer

  • on-the-fly preview of real data in image viewer


  • thumbnail preview (1:16)


  • on-the-fly thumbnails created from R/G/B channels in map view and image viewer


  • full size webcam images in map view and image viewer

ALS80 / Hyperion / Hyperion-2

  • no Raw QC for LiDAR data

Raw QC on imagery data

If available, images can be loaded into the image viewer for closer inspection. To do so, first load a raw session and then select to display a take from the data source tree. Once loaded, it is then possible to mark the full image as rejected.

As we consider the raw session as an unchangeable data entity, the user will be asked to specify the location where HxMap shall save the newly created QC file. HxMap will remember the location of this QC file and will automatically pass it to the ingest wizard.

Reviewing FlightPro QC information

During data acquisition, FlightPro will automatically create a HxMap-compatible QC file with the raw data. This file is then recognized by HxMap when adding a raw session to the Session Perspective and affected data is marked accordingly in the data source tree. Using the filter panel, it is then possible to reduce the data source tree to entities that are affected by defects. This then allows to review the images in the image viewer as described above.

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