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Zooming and Panning

HxMap uses a common zooming panning views across perspectives. Not that for mouse functions the cursor needs to be above the window where the function is to be executed. For keyboard commands the window needs to be in focus. Click in the view to change the window that is currently in focus.

In addition to these default operations, HxMap allows to customize available commands: Defining keyboard shortcuts

2D Views

The following functions are available in 2D views like the map view and image viewer.



Zoom 2x

Double click on content

Zoom in/out

Mouse scrollwheel up/down


Hold left mouse button down and move mouse

Arrow keys

Pan right/left/up/down

3D Views

The following functions are available in 3D views like the LiDAR viewer and in the 3D editor perspective.



Zoom in/out

Mouse scrollwheel up/down


Hold left mouse button down and move mouse


Hold right mouse button down and move mouse

Arrow keys

Pan right/left/up/down

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