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Generate seamlines

Mosaic seamlines determine the ground location where the transition between individual images in the mosaic will occur. Use the "Run mosaic seamlines" button to generate seamlines.

Make sure to have Ortho product with properly balanced radiometry before running smart seamline, otherwise the optimal seamless result will not be achieved.

In the “Run Seamline Generation” window user can:

  1. Choose one of the seamline generation methods





simple seamlines generated as straight lines

smart (strip only)

smart seam placed between strips, most nadir seam placed within strips


smart seam placed between all overlapping images

  1. Optionally define exclusion polygons, that should not be crossed by the seamlines (e.g. buildings)

  2. define a buffer for exclusion polygons

The seamline generation can be either run locally or using a processing cluster as described Job Handling.

After the process is finalized, seamlines are available on the Seamline layer and can be shown in the MapView in lime green color.

  • If its needed to re-run seamline generation in an existing Mosaic, first remove the following directories from the HxMap Project \scenario folder:

    • \footprints

    • \alphas

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