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Defining Output Specification Templates

Image Output

The image output template specifies the output files that are generated for the desired product. This template only applies to image products (ORTHO, AERIAL and STEREO). Again, by clicking on the green plus icon a new template is created.

  • Name: Name of the template

  • Output format: Select between “Tiff”, "Big Tiff", “PNG” and “JPG”

  • Bit Depth
    Select between 8, 12 or 16 bits per pixel

  • Tile Size
    Select any option between 16 and 1024. Specifies the size of each internal Tiff tile size.

  • Clipping across Flight Direction / in Flight Direction
    Allows the user to specify an image clip in percent of the image size.

  • Compression: Select between “LZW”, “Deflate”, "JPEG-LS" or "JPEG"

    • JPEG compression is only available for 8bit and 12bit output

    • If JPEG is selected, the user needs to set a Quality factor ranging from 1 (maximum compression) to 100 (minimum compression).

  • Generate World File

    • Optionally generate a world file for TIFF output formats

    • World file is always created for PNG and JPG output formats

  • Generate Projection File

    • Optionally generate a projection file for TIFF output formats. In case the chose coordinate reference system for TIFF output is not defined by EPSG, a projection file will be written to store the well-known text representation

    • Projection file is always created for JPG and PNG formats

  • Generate Footprints
    Will generate a shapefile (.shp) with a corresponding .prj file that contains a polygon that describes the footprint of the output product

Infocloud Output

The Infocloud output template specifies the format and content of the output files that are generated for the point cloud. This template only applies to Infocloud point clouds. Clicking on the green plus icon a new template is created.

  • Name: Name of the template

  • Output format: "HSPC (Hexagon Smart Point Cloud)", "LAS (LASer file format)" and "LAZ (compressed LAS)"

  • Format Version: HPSC - choose Archive or Non Archive, LAS/LAZ - choose version 1.4 or 1.2

  • Color Encoding: choose RGB or RGBN. RGBN is only supported for LAS 1.4 and HSPC

  • Minify Info Cloud: apply 2 to 1 down sampling of the input Product Type Extraction Mode in the output point cloud

  • Generate Raster Product: A multi-band image will be generated where the last band contains the height value. The GSD for the output image must be specified

  • Keep Vertical Surfaces:  Maintains points along vertical surfaces (important for urban mapping). If unchecked points with same position, but different heights will be removed

  • Classify Vegetation: Is currently not supported

  • Generate Footprints: Will generate a shapefile (.shp) with a corresponding .prj file that contains a polygon that describes the footprint of the output product

3D Model Output

The 3D Model Output template defines the format of the resulting building file.

  • Name: Name of the template

  • Output Format
    File format for the resulting building model can be defined: 3D Model TDC
    Only the 3D Model TDC format is available now because of the optimized workflow (QC, Texturing) for that format. Other formats like OBJ or CityGML can be exported from the TDC format by using the export functionality in the "Tools" menu. 

  • Generate Footprints: if enabled, a shape file per building rooftop polygon will be added into the specified output directory after the Building generation process

LiDAR Output

The LiDAR Output template defines the format, version and specification of the point cloud.

  • Output Format: HSPC, LAS, LAZ

  • Format Version: HSPC - choose Archive or Non Archive, LAS/LAZ - choose version 1.4 or 1.2

  • Waveform Settings

    • Generate Waveform files: if checked will create the required waveform data package files

    • All Points / Waveform Points only: specifies which points to include when generating point clouds with waveform

  • Color Encoding: Choose RGB or RGBN. RGBN is only supported for LAS 1.4 and HSPC.

  • Generate Terrascan trajectory file: generates the required trajectory to open the point cloud within Terrasolid

  • Generate Terrascan project file: allows to directly open the tiled output within Terrasolid

  • Generate index shape file: generates an overview of the tiles generated

A Terrascan project and index file will only be generated if a Tile/Shape file is used in the product generation.

DEM Output

The DEM output template defines the format to use for DEM products.

  • Output Format: currently only TIFF is supported as output format

  • Max Edge Length: prevent extrapolation artifacts at point cloud edge by limiting the max triangle edge lenght

  • Method: Choose one

    • natural: Natural Neighbor (Sibson) interpolation

    • plane: plane interpolation

    • idw: Inverse Distance Weighted interpolation

    • nearest: nearest neighbor interpolation

  • Gaussian Smoothing: optionally smooth the DEM raster output by Gaussian filter

HxMap will generate a tiled TIFF output and additionaly a multi-DEM text file that combines the individual TIFF files together. Both TIFF files as well as the multi-DEM text file can be used throughout the HxMap workflow as height reference.

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