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Cut mosaic tiles

Once radiometry and seamlines in the mosaic are complete final tiles can be cut from the mosaic. Select tiles to cut from the Tile layer either in the Data Source or the Map Window.

Example of selected mosaic tiles for cutting

Use the "Run mosaic tile cutter" button available in the Mosaic toolbar to cut the selected tiles.

In the “Run Mosaic Tile Cutter” dialog user can configure settings for processing:

Output directory

(Required) Output directory where the tile files will be written. The chosen output directory must be empty.

Tile File

(Required) Shows the tile definition file which was added to the project and lists the number of selected tiles.

The tile definition file can be:

  • a shape file containing multiple polygons used to define output boundaries for the tiles

    • the shape file must have an attribute named "MAPSHEET", it's value will be used to setup the file name for the tile.  (So if the MAPSHEET attribute for a tile polygon contains "Tile_1" as the string stored, the tile file will be named Tile_1.<output ext>).

    • the shape file must have a corresponding projection file (.prj) describing its coordinate reference system

  • a text file containing one line per tile:

    • the format for defining a tile is: MAPSHEET UL_X UL_Y LR_X LR_Y

    • e.g. Ortho_RGB_0821132530103_0_349152_1312 11111.111 33333.333 22222.222 444444.444

    • the coordinate system of the text file is assumed to be the one used for Product Generation

  • Tile borders need to be exact pixel borders resp. the edge length of a tile represents a multiple of the GSD

  • Tile corner coordinates need to be divisible by GSD


(Required) Defaults to GSD value of the Ortho product associated during mosaic initialization.

Down sampling by factors of 2 of the Ortho GSD is supported i.e. Ortho GSD = 0.10m, Mosaic tile GSD = 0.20m

Output template

(Required) Choose the Image output template to define tile image format


(Optional) Generate image minifications for the tiles

Shape File from alpha masks

(Optional) Export a polygon shape file of the mosaic seamlines

Seamline feathering

(Optional) Apply feathering along the seamline during tile cut. The feathering is a gaussian blending applied over the Window Size defined.

Once configuration is set click OK to begin processing as described Job Handling.

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