Selecting Data
All perspectives allow to select data both in the data source tree as well as the main map view. Most workflow steps require the data to be selected before starting the process.
Selected items are symbolized as follows:
Data Source Tree: the item’s check box has a check mark placed in it
Map Window: the item’s style color is changed from default layer color to cyan
Selecting Data in the Data Source Tree
Two modes of selection are possible in the Data Source Tree.
Single item selection: click the check box next to the item you want to select or unselect.
Multi item selection: highlight the data source items to select or unselect, then right click in the Data Source and choose Select Highlighted or Unselect Highlighted from the context menu. Highlight a range of items for selection by:
Left Click and Mouse drag over the range
Left Click the range start and Shift + Left Click the range end
Selecting Data in the Main Map View
Before selecting data in the map view the corresponding layer needs to be chosen in the Layer panel by clicking on the layer to make it active. A layer also needs to be visible in the Map view to allow selecting items from it.
After choosing the layer to select on, the following selection methods can be used:
Ctrl + Left button click: only the clicked-on item is selected. In case a selection already exists, clicked-on item is added to the selection
Shift + multiple left button clicks: will select items using drawn polygon
when drawn clockwise: selects all items that are fully enclosed by drawn polygon
when drawn anti-clockwise: selects all items that are fully and partially enclosed by drawn polygon
Shift + left button drag and drop: will select items using the resulting rectangle
when drawn left-to-right: selects all items that are fully enclosed by drawn rectangle
when drawn right-to-left: select all items that are fully and partially enclosed by drawn rectangle
Any selected items will automatically checked in the data source tree. Also note that when changing visibility of a layer, state of the loaded layer will be adjusted to reflect the selection state of the elements.
Only regional selection (polygon or rectangle) is enabled for layer with point and linear features
Selecting Data using AOI Polygons
After defining an AOI polygon, the shape can be used to perform a selection on the active layer:
Clear Selection
To clear a selection (de-select all items), go to the Edit menu and select “Clear Selection”.
Expand Selection to Takes
With the selection it is possible to select individual elements like swaths and captures. Often though selecting a full take is required for further processing. To expand the selection to full takes go to the Edit menu and then choose “Selection > Expand to Takes”.