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Inspecting the properties of objects

The properties window of the 3D Editor perspective shows properties for the selected objects.

Metadata and properties that cannot be changes:

  • Information

    • GUID

    • Object type

  • Measurements

    • Height

    • Minimum Z

    • Maximum Z

    • Mean Eaves Z

    • Footprint area

  • Application specific data

    • ModelSource

Properties that can be changed by double-clicking the value:

  • Properties

    • Color

    • ID

    • Layer

    • Roof only

  • Application specific data

    • Quality

    • ModelSource

    • Modified

    • Planar

The Planar attribut is shown in the property view if a planarity check has been executed (Edit or Context menu → Check planarity). Default threshold for the planarity check is 1 cm.

Changing the "Roof only" property will remove information about walls from the building geometry

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