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Configuring email notifications

The HxMap Data Copy tool allows to notify the user in case a copy process is finished or stopped.

To enable this functionality, the HxMap.ini (C:\Program Files\Hexagon\HxMap\ Workflow Manager\HxMap.ini) needs to be configured.

In Section 2 of this file (Part 2: Settings you may want to customize) you will find the key [Email], which allows to provide an e-mail server and account used for notification:

; The full qualified name of the Mail Server: 
;  If there is no e-mail server listed the EMail step will be skipped
; Port to content to the mail server
; Email account username to connect to mail server if required
; Password for the email account user
; Username to use to indetify as the mail sensder, useful for filtering and e-mail rules on the recivers side
; <<MACHINE_NAME>> keyword will be replaced with the machine name the application is running on
; Email recipents for cop job status 
;, <production-group>
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