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Local Installation

HxMap can be installed on a single workstation where processes will be executed locally. The following chapters will guide you through the steps required to setup HxMap on your machine.

Given the data volume of our airborne sensors most of the processing steps tend to be fairly time consuming. To cut down on processing time it is therefore highly recommended to deploy HxMap in a distributed environment.

Installation Components

The installation files contain multiple components:



HxMap WFM Installer

HxMap WFM installer for the current <release> and <build>

HxMap GeoData

HxMap GeoData installer for the given <release> that contains large sized data files that don't change frequently like the coordinate system and global elevation sources. These files could be shared by multiple software releases.

Installation prerequisites

All operating system run time library updates required by HxMap applications


Post-processing component required for running ingest of DMCIII data.

3D Building Viewer

Additional software application that allows to visualize generated building data.

HxMap licensing is managed with Leica Client License Manager CLM application. The latest version of Leica CLM can be downloaded from Leica myWorld portal.

Installation Steps

It is recommended to uninstall the previous version of the software before installing the latest version.

  1. Make sure you are logged in using an administrator account

  2. Download required installation files and extract into a temporary folder

  3. Double-click on the HxMap full installer and follow instructions by the installation program.
    The Geodata installer and any prerequisites required will automatically launched as part of the installation process.

  4. DMCIII user will need to install Z/I RPP+: Unzip the zip-file and execute the included installer

  5. (optional) Install the additional viewer application for 3D Building data

  6. Install the Leica Geosystems Client License Manager

  7. Launch the Client License Manager and activate your HxMap Software Entitlements

  8. (optional) configure your HxMap installation by modifying the “hxmap.ini” as discussed Customization section

  9. Launch HxMap Workflow Manager

Remote Desktop Connection

HxMap requires OpenGL 2.0 or better. However, when you use HxMap via remote desktop connection, Microsoft's Remote Desktop uses (until now) always software generated OpenGL which is OpenGL 1.1. In that case, either use a different technology, e.g. Virtual Network Computing (VNC), or still use remote desktop but start HxMap using a batch file as shown below:

REM Restart the HxMap Workflow Manager from a Microsfot RDP Session

for /f "tokens=4 delims= " %%G in ('tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq tasklist.exe" /NH') do SET RDP_SESSION=%%G tscon %RDP_SESSION% /dest:console 
"C:\Program Files\Hexagon\HxMap\Workflow Manager\workflowmanager.exe"
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