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HxMap Glossary




Represents a range of electromagnetic spectrum captured by an image sensor and recorded as a raster band, or a raster layer of an image that is processed together.


Blocks create a logical structure for geo-referenced image data. A block contains strips that reference image and lidar data from a session and provide additional geometric information.


Exterior Orientation Parameters (per strip) in a Local Space Rectangular (LSRcoordinate systems


Fast Fourier Transform. Method used for Lidar matching in HxMap.

Flight Line

A straight line or polyline defined by way points used to navigate an aircraft to observations.

Flight Plan

Flight Plan provides predefined information about the sequence of flight events to be performed by the sensor(s) controlled by the flight management system.

Flight Project

A flight project shall contain one or more flight plans and is the main import entity from the flight planning (MissionPro) to the flight execution (FlightPro) system.


A collection of associated raster bands that share the same geometry.


Mass Memory represents the SSD disks that are used to record the data during flight. These disks are then used to download data to a secondary location. They can also be used directly to perform QC in the field.

Processed Session

A processed session is a session that contains the flight data for one raw session after geo-referencing ('Ingest' step in WFM).

It may contain geo-referenced intermediate products (ingested imagery or LiDAR data) or references to the raw data. In either case, a processed session contains the meta data describing the interior and exterior orientation for collected data.


Projects store processing job definitions, runs, and results executed by the user while carrying out a workflow.


Represents an instrument used to capture geospatial data (imagery and/or LiDAR).


Collection of Takes that pertain to a single recorded flight line. Used to organize Takes from both line and frame sensors. There could be multiple strips(recorded lines) for a single planed flight line.


A collection of images with matching band combination that together build a processing unit (e.g. for a view direction of a sensor)


Collection of data recorded by an image or lidar sensor

  • Nadir imaging sensor: take contains one or more images making up a nadir swath

  • Oblique imaging sensor: take contains multiple discrete images corresponding to different combinations of nadir, left, right, forward, and backward swaths

  • LiDAR sensor: take contains all point cloud data recorded in one sensor event (on / off)


Raw/Processed GNSS/IMU observations associated with one recording session.

Triangulation Project

Defines a project to triangulate multiple blocks and analyze the result.


Workflow Manager (main application)


Simple file that track data from download to product generation to provide basic project management. Workspace keep references to all the data used in a mapping project which could span many sessions and blocks.

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