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HxMap 4.4 Release Notes

Main features

  • Full workflow support for Leica CountryMapper sensor

  • Beta release of HxMap Mosaic perspective with smart seamline

  • Point cloud decimation filter and ground classifier enhancement

  • Misalignment module for triangulation project up to 80 images

  • Generate DEM from Infocloud product

  • MFC150 and RCD30 image radiometry gradient correction normalized by sun angle

  • Hyperion lidar ingest reads the channel range offset value from lidar calibration

  • 3D model product improved when using building footprints

Main fixes

  • Correct the base datum for NGS GEOID12A/B

  • Infocloud gap between strips with optimized extent

  • Lidar ingest might require splitting of very large strip

  • Image selection during texture product generation

  • QC Perspective map window image thinning with cardinal filter

Upgrade Notes

  • HSPC point cloud attribute storage is updated in HxMap 4.4 together with Lidar Viewer layer styling by attribute (Intensity, Elevation, etc). Lidar point clouds ingested prior to HxMap 4.4 should complete QC with the version used for Ingest, and can then continue with Lidar Matching in HxMap 4.4.

  • New lidar ingest option “Trim to full density” works best on flat and rolling terrain, and should not be used in steep terrain.

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